Monday, September 27, 2010

My favorite memory's childhood

Hi everyone! How are you? I hope you all had a great weekend. I almost forgot this assignment. I've got a lot to study these days because next Tuesday there's a exam of OHIFA, so I prefer to write this homework right now and save time for the other subject.

The title of this post is: "my favorite memory's childhood", and while I was writing this I remembered some pictures I scanned a few months ago. Some of them are of me and my brother and sister. So I'll go to take a look now and try to find some picture that helps me explain that favorite moment of my childhood.

Well, this picture brought me a great family "tradition" we used to have when I was a kid (well I'm still a kid xd). We met every Sunday in my grandfather's house. Aunts, cousins, uncles, nephews, everyone were there to have lunch together.
The people who are in the picture are my father's parents. The little girl sitting on the left side of Granddad is my sister Angela, on the other side there's me with the Baby Joche, and standing there's my cousin Camila.

Those days we used to take us a lot of pictures. I played all day with my cousins and ate a lot of ice-cream. After lunch, everyone would take a nap for about an hour, but we, the girls, used to mess up the house instead of sleep like the rest. We had some much fun together!

In the afternoon they used to take us to a park near to the house, and they let us play until we couldn’t run anymore.

The family “tradition” stopped when Granddad died, and I’m sorry for the little cousins I have now. They couldn’t have that space with all the family to be spoiled.
My cousins from the picture are studying in the south, so I don’t get to see them very often. I hope someday the new generations of the family will gather all like in those days.


Jorge Carroza said...

Dear Carola,

Why does it seem that the past is always better?

"Those days we used to take us a lot of pictures..."


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