Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A healthy life style, is it possible?

A few minutes ago we where talking about what did we eat today at lunch. The question meant to show us how badly we are eating these days. Maybe the lack of time makes us eat the fastest and simplest food we can get. Maybe don't taking serious our alimentation is leading us to eat anything. But I think this is not only a problem of responsible students like us ;) I believe that the whole world is choosing what is immediately. Fast food is tasty, but in my opinion it doesn't replace the home made food.

So my opinion is that sometimes we have fast food (or not food at all) because we don't have enough time to have lunch properly.
Factors like our alimentation, our physical activity, how we use our free time, can take us to live a sedentary life, and that sooner or later will bring us a lot of problems.

Have a healthy life style is possible, I think. But in the world we live now, having that kind of life is very difficult. Our society demands us to be successful, be a great student, have a great job, gain a lot of money and preferably be physically attractive and skinny.
But having a healthy life style can give you that and a lot more. For me having a healthy life style is to try to relax and being with your family every time you can, have regular physical activity, try to don't stress up with every little rock that's on your way, and treat the others as you want to be treated. So for me, a healthy life involves also your mental health. Being a good person also helps you having a better quality of life.

Of course exercising and eating may define in a very technical way if you're being healthy or not. But those things come along when your mind is healthy and clear.
We all know that when we are stressed up everything seems to be wrong. We don't get good grades, we fight with everyone and we close to ourselves.
That is not healthy either, right?


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