Saturday, August 21, 2010

One of my favorite books :)

Hi :) I'm back! This is the first post I write in this semester. For being the first post, I got to choose the topic. Our teacher told us to write about something we like. For example, our favorite movie, book or something that had really touched us lately. That was really hard because I haven't seen a lot of movies this year haven't read a lot of books and haven't seen exhibitions or plays.

But then I remembered about a book I read last summer. The title is "Para que no me olvides" and it was written by Marcela Serrano. I decided to read that book because my mother is a big fan of Serrano. She has almost every book she has written, and I always wanted to know what was so special about her. So I took the last book my mother had bought, and I started to read it slowly. I had noticed that my mom spent quite long time reading each book, so I tried to do the same.

The funny thing about that reading was that my mom and I had to take turns, because both of us wanted to have the book all day so we could get to the end before the other.
It wasn't a competition; the thing was that the book was so interesting that we just wanted to know the development of the story.

The book was about a Chilean woman called Blanca. She lived in a wealthy house with her husband. She didn't have to work because her husband supported her, so she spent every day with her friends, her sisters-in-law and with her children, a boy and a little girl. Her family had a house in the countryside, so whenever she wanted, she took her car and went to that peaceful place.

Along the story we found out that Blanca had a relationship with a humble man who was involved in a radical political party, and because of him she discovered a new world. Her husband found out about the affair and left her, taking with him their son.
The breaking point of the story happened when Blanca had a stroke. Because of the accident she couldn’t talk ever again. That’s when a lot of secrets of her life and family came out. The inability of Blanca to talk forced her to communicate with her eyes. And the uncertainty of what was going to happen with the education of her little daughter drives her crazy.

I think is a really good book, because it reflects the reality of people who live keeping the appearances and defending with lies the “perfect life” they


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