Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dealing with stress at University

This week I'm supposed to write about stress and how is possible to deal with it while you're at University.

I have to say that before PSU I didn’t know what "stress" was. When you are in School you're used to say "I'm so stress because of this test", bla, bla, bla, but NOTHING, I mean N O T H I N G compares to the tension the PSU brings to your poor life.

For me PSU was horrible, I felt very pressure. Those months weren't happy months for me and my family because I was irritated all the time. We agreed not to talks about the PSU until the results were ready, and that helped me a lot trying to deal with the stress.

But in University is different. You cannot stay quiet all year long just because you feel stress about it. So I had to take this year in a different way and try to be more emphatic with my family, understanding that they only wanted the best for me. In my case, the fact that they just ask how was I doing, bother me.

So I change my chip this year or I’ll be mad all the time. I started to take things little by little. Being organized is the most important thing, and I had to learn how to be organized in the first month I got here.
When you’re in school they tell you that University is great, that you’ll have a lot of time to yourself and to get to know new people, but one thing is for sure, it is nothing like you have ever imagine. Every one lives it his own way, some people party all they long the first month straight and then remembers that they were here to study. For others, it is not as difficult to get used to the rhythm. So it depends on every one.

For me, dealing with stress at university has been hard, sometimes I don’t know how to manage it, but it most of the cases I succeed. Some of the things I try to do to deal with stress is leave some time in the week to do whatever I wanted to. I don’t know, going to a party with my boyfriend, riding my bike, go for a walk, anything that helps me come clear my mind and keep me away from killing someone.


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