Hi! This time I'll write about my favourite pic. But I'm having problems deciding the picture I'll choose. I went to my facebook account to see all the pictures I have there. There are pictures with my family, my boyfriend, lots of friends, but I realized that in the most of my pictures I'm with one of my best friends. Her name: Jasna. And maybe that's why I choose this picture.
In this picture I'm with three of my school friends, but one of them didn't fit in the pic. From left to right there are: Daniela, me, Jasna and Ivana.
I don't really remember who took that picture, but probably some school friend took it. I think that the person who took the picture wanted to left Daniela out of the frame intentionally. Maybe to play her a joke.
In that time we were in a park, having a nice time with all my classmates. It was taken last year. I remember, it was the last day of school, and we organized a barbecue with all the seniors.
I like this pictures because when I loked a it, all those days of school come back to my mind, and I remember all the good times I lived with my friends. It also remembers me that I haven't seen Jasna in a long time, so maybe is time to stay in touch again.
The magic of the pictures ir the capacity to bring out the past.
Is very cute your photo !! I remember similar times.
bss !! Have a good weekend. !
Great picture Caro!
I love to see some school pictures and remember those days...also remember some old friends!
Take care Caro!
see you on monday!
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