Friday, May 7, 2010

Websites I usually visit

I love music! So the most kind of websites that I ussually visit are related to music. Most specifically, to concerts.

Two of my most visited website are from theaters for recitals, and the last two are about tickets sale.

Last year I went to almost a dozen concerts, and the pages I gave you now helped me to know how much did the tickets cost, when some bands are supposed to come to Chile, where the concerts were, etc.

The sites of Teatro Caupolicán and Movistar Arena show the bands that are going to perform each month. There's a link for every date, so you can check out when your favorite band is going to perform. The cool thing about this websites is that they have all confirmed shows of the year. So in my case, I could know for sure how much time I had to save the money I needed to go.

The other two websites (ticket master and punto ticket) are about tickets sale. Those websites give you all the information about the places of the concerts, and most important, how much do they cost.
A good feature of both websites is that they are constantly updating the information. So if a ticket concert increased its price, the website immediately change the information. This webstites also give you the alternative to buy the tickets online with credit cards, or if you want, give you the adress of the nearest store when you can buy it with cash.

I visit this websites two or three times a month, because sometimes they run out of tickets or the prices raise extremely fast.


Pamelandia said...

Hi Caro!

After I read your blog I think that pages are really good, I think I'll start visit them :)
Maybe I'll find out about concerts of my favorites bands :D haha

Take care, see you on Monday :)

Anonymous said...

Carolincacao! That's nice your blog :D I loved the image of sunflowers <3

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